Thursday, September 29, 2011


Busy, that does not really cover the state of our life right now. defines busy as "engaged, at work."  Nope, doesn't even begin to cover it.  The average day in the Wright household involves, getting up around 5 am, ut oh, overslept by 10 minutes.  I throw on workout clothes, brush my teeth, and run downstairs to put dinner in the Crockpot and grab lunch from fridge.  This involves chopping everything and packing lunch the night before.  Oops, forgot it was pancake day.  Darn, I defrost pancakes for Ella since she can't have the ones from school.  I head to the car, while David wakes up the kids and gets them to school.  Cameron gets a ride to school on days I workout.  I go to exercise class because I don't want my rear to look like Jello. After a shower, I go to work and have a loony day.  My next job is to pick up Jack and Ella and head home, and, of course, we are running late.  As soon as we get home, I dig a vegetable out of the fridge.  Crud, the broccoli is yucky.  Jack and Ella run around to get water bottles and balls for soccer practice.  Ella can't find her second shin guard and Jack can't find his water bottle.  Gotta go, friends pick Jack up for practice.  I take Ella to soccer, then run to the store for spinach.  David picks Cameron up after lacrosse practice, drops him at home, then runs back to get the boys from soccer.  After practice, we all head home for dinner.  Wow, it is 7 pm and we are finally eating.  Now it is time to study with Ella for her Spanish and spelling tests.  I have to bake cupcakes for a birthday at work, so Jack helps Ella study.  Cameron heads to his room for major homework.  Jack and Ella take turns showering.  David tries to write a little of a grant.  I read to Jack and Ella, then finish my homework for my class.  The homework is due at midnight, but I get it in at 10:15.  Everyone is in bed.  I am tired just reading this.  Surely there is a better word our there, maybe extrobusy, or busymongous, or extreme busification.  Ok, I must need sleep, so see you tomorrow for another busy day in the Wright household.

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