Monday, September 19, 2011

For the Love of Legos

In our house, we love Legos. We may own more Legos than the average Lego store. Every spare surface in the house is covered in Lego masterpieces.

They do have their down side. First, they are a bit expensive, in fact I would be afraid to add up the value of all of ours, for fear it would be more than my car. Second, pieces are every where, like the kitchen counter, the bathroom, the car. I have even found some with the dog food. And finally, if you ever stepped on one of those little guys with a bare foot in the dark, you never forget it. We could make an entire Funniest Home Videos episode or YouTube channel filled with people dancing about and hollering after stepping on Legos. I am sure it would be an instant hit.

Just in case you think I was joking, here is one of our Lego Bins. It is so big that Ella could sleep in there. Well, if there weren't so many Legos in the way.

That said, we love them. In fact, I still purchase Legos for my husband from time to time. He likes the Deep Sea ones. The boys adore them all. They have aliens, Harry Potter, city, Star Wars, you name it. I consider them a great investment, because I estimate that 60% of their indoor playtime before the age of 10 was spent with Legos. Ella likes houses and animals. She just received this one for her birthday and she is soooo close to finished.

All of my children enjoy playing with their creation after they are done building. We have great wars, undersea exploration, animated movies, and games.

But don't think they are all fun and games. Legos can be very practical, like this lovely phone charger.

Or if you need to make fun of a friend's child.

So, the next time you step on one in the dark, try to remember all fun you have with those Legos in the light. You may also want to threaten to put every darn Lego in timeout, unless someone cleans them up. But then you wouldn't be able to play either.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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